After noticing issues with the site's performance, I discovered that there were hundreds of spam users and thousands of spam characters on the site. I've removed all of the spam content and users, and If you've registered an account in the last 3 months you should probably double check that you're still able to log in with that account. I'm fairly positive I didn't delete any real users (all of the spam users had similar naming schemes) but you'll want to check just to be sure. In addition, I'm going to add a few new changes to the registration form to cut down as much as I can on spam users.
In better news, I've got a feature and bug tracker up on the Github page for Toolkit13. You can see all of the various changes I'm planning on implementing into the site there based on user requests, and you can also post an issue directly on Github if you would rather do that than send me an email.
As always, have fun with the site! I'll keep you posted on feature updates.