Commander is Now Available
The Commander has been added to both the available powers and the SRD section of Toolkit13! Go forth and make new characters that can command other new characters!
The Commander has been added to both the available powers and the SRD section of Toolkit13! Go forth and make new characters that can command other new characters!
Check out the printed character sheets!
I've started working on some of the issues from the GitHub issues tracker, and chief among them is print. I hope to eventually support PDF export, but for now I've got basic printing support enabled and working!
Info about spam accounts being removed (and why you should make sure your account still works) and upcoming features.
I recently received some feedback via email:
I hope everyone is enjoying the ToolKit 13 system so far! It's been a ton of fun to create, and I've already made use of it at my own 13th Age table. It has also been pointed out to me that while the character sheet is very useful, it doesn't have any sort of fields for writing down your attack/hit/miss rolls, and that printing is a desired feature. I'm working on both of those now, and should hopefully have some progress on them soon.