Advanced Tactical Strike
The target can make an at-will attack as a free action.
The first time you use this tactic each battle, make a recharge roll for it at the start of your next turn, adding the escalation die to the roll. The recharge roll after the battle, if any, doesn’t gain a bonus from the escalation die.
The recharge roll is now 11+.
Arrow of Verse
Recharge check is now 11+.
Bonus dice and miss dice are now d12s.
Basic Tactical Strike
The target can make a basic attack as a free action.
On a hit, the attack gains a damage bonus equal to your Charisma modifier.
The target gains an attack bonus equal to your Charisma modifier with that attack.
The recharge roll is now 6+.
Recharge check is now 6+.
The target of the spell doesn't have to be nearby, just in line of sight.
On a hit, the confusion effect is now save ends.
Buck Up!
Each target gains temporary hit points equal to the average number of hit points it gains when it heals using a recovery.
Add twice your Charisma modifier to the temporary hit points each target gains.
One of the targets can also heal using a recovery.
Climactic Battle
Until the end of the battle, the escalation die becomes a d8 instead of a d6. Then roll a d20. If you roll 11+, increase the escalation die by 1.
If the d20 roll is 16+, increase the escalation die by 2 instead of 1.
When the escalation die reaches 8, you gain 1d6 command points and can make recharge rolls for all your tactics.
Enforce Clarity
One non-last gasp effect on the target ends (including effects that don’t require a save).
The recharge roll is now 11+.
You can now target one additional nearby ally with this tactic.
The recharge roll is now 6+.
Finish This!
You can only use this tactic when one enemy is left in the battle.
You can spend between 1 and 3 command points. The crit range of your allies’ attacks against the remaining enemy expands by the number of command points you spent. This effect lasts until the end of the battle or until the enemy scores two critical hits.
You can now use this tactic when the escalation die is 3+.
You can now use this tactic when one or two enemies are left in the battle.
You can now spend between 1 and 5 command points on the effect.
Just Stay Calm
Decrease the escalation die by 1. Then 1d3 of your nearby allies can heal using a recovery.
The tactic now affects 1d3 + 1 nearby allies.
You can include yourself as one of the targets.
When you use this tactic, you can spend an additional command point to avoid decreasing the escalation die.
Lightning Fork
Once per battle, you can reroll one of your lightning fork attacks rolls.
If you miss all targets with lightning fork, you don't expend it.
The recharge roll for lightning fork is now 11+.
Each time you make a natural even attack roll, you can attack a different target with the spell.
Now, Not Later
The target can make a recharge roll for that power immediately after using the power. (If the recharge roll fails, the target can still make a recharge roll for it after the battle.)
The target gains a bonus to the recharge roll equal to your Charisma modifier.
On Your Feet, Maggots!
The target can heal using two recoveries but is dazed until the end of its next turn.
If the escalation die is 3+, there is no dazed effect.
This tactic now targets up to 1d4 + 1 allies.
Overcome Resistance
Until the end of the battle, the target ignores the resistance power of any creature it targets with an attack.
Resist Energy
Until the end of the battle, the target gains resist damage 12+ to the following energy type of your choice: cold, fire, lightning, thunder.
You can target an additional creature with the spell.
Each target can take a move action as a free action, starting with you and proceeding in the order of your choice.
Disengage checks made using this free action gain a +5 bonus.
The recharge roll is now 11+.
Each target can also make a basic attack as a free action after taking the move action.
The attacker must reroll the attack. You must accept the new result.
You can now choose either of the attack rolls, in case the second one crits or is otherwise bad for you.
Recharge roll after battle is now 6+.
Hit or miss, you take only half damage from any attack you use shield against.
Song of Heroes
You and your nearby allies gain a +1 attack bonus until the start of your next turn.
The effect ends immediately, but one ally of your choice gains a +2 bonus to their next attack roll this battle.
Sword Work
You can make a basic melee attack as a quick action once each turn until the end of the battle. You can’t gain command points from your Fight from the Front class feature using swordwork attacks.
You can now use this tactic when the escalation die is 3+.
You can now gain command points from your Fight from the Front class feature using swordwork attacks.
The recharge roll is now 11+.
The Overworld Two-Step
You can swap your position and the positions of all your nearby allies, even if you can't see them when you cast the spell. Each position presently occupied by you or an ally must end up occupied after the swap, but otherwise you can swap freely.
Recharge check is now 11+.
You can now also swap the positions of far-away allies you can see, up to a maximum of 9 creatures.
Three Dooms
Each time you make a natural even attack roll, you can attack a different target with the spell.
Vicious Mockery
On a hit, the effect that damages the target when it misses is now save ends.
Recharge check is now 6+.
A natural even miss does not expend the spell.