Symbol, Holy Relic, Sacred Sickle (implement)

+1 Holy Relic of Destruction: Halatir's Fingerbone

Default Bonus: 
+1 attack and damage with a divine spell/attack

When you hit an enemy with an attack that deals holy damage, deal 1d10 extra holy damage with that attack.

Believes the world will come to a fiery end . . . soon.

Blast Totem

Default Bonus: 

Hits [[1d3+1]] Nearby Enemies (5ft radius blast)

On a miss does - 

[[3]] Damage to One target

Likes to scream when used

Flag of Honesty

Default Bonus: 
+3 to holy spellcasting

As a quick action, until the start of your next turn; you and each nearby ally heal 2d12 at the end of their turn if an ally is affected by fear.

Doesn't Understand Sarcasm

Orb of Chaos

Default Bonus: 
Attacks and damage Arcane Spells or Attacks(A +1)(C +2)(E+3)

When you Crit with an attack made throught this implement you roll for two Chaos Mage high wierdness and pick which one comes into play; if you are a Chaos Mage BOTH come into play and you gain +1 to attacks for the rest of battle.

Orb of the Seeress

Default Bonus: 
Attacks and damage Arcane Spells or Attacks(A +1)(C +2)(E+3)
16+ (C 11+)

When you are targeted by a ranged or close attace and are engaged with an enemy; weitch the target of the attack to the enemy that you are engaged with.  You knew that attack was incoming... you've know for days.

Makes preparations for unlikely events.

Symbol of Light +1

Default Bonus: 

When you cast a divine spell, your symbol flares with bright light for a moment, starkly illuminating your surroundings. When you cast a daily divine spell, that light is bright enough to daze one enemy engaged with you who has 50 hit points or less (champion: 100 hit points or less; epic: 250 hit points or less). This daze lasts until the end of the enemy’s next turn

Scared of the dark.

The Last Trumpet

Default Bonus: 
Adventurer Tier +1, Champion tier +2, and Epic Tier +3 to attacks, damage, heals.

ARTIFACT Bard and Cleric Only

When the trumpet is played you cause thunderous waves of force blasting from the horn of the trumpet. In or out of battle. Outside Battle it can open locked chests, doors, knock down walls that appear to be in disrepair, or knock down unsuspecting enemies before battle begins. At epic Levels (8-10)  you can use the trumpet to blast through walls of a fortress to gain access instead of “storming the gates”  Using the Trumpet is neither Subtle or Silent.  Nearby or Close enemies will hear it and enter combat. Far away enemies will be drawn to the commotion and head towards the noise to investigate.

The Trumpet Seeks to Return to it’s True Owner and tries to influence the wielder against their will to return it.

Wreath of the Ancient Woods

Default Bonus: 
Attack and damage with a divine spell or attack: +1 (adventurer); +2 (champion).

A living strand of ivy twines around the holy symbol, linking it to the deep magic of the woodlands. When you cast a divine spell, you may have the spell emanate from any plant you can see. So, if you’re far away from a fighter, but she’s got her back to a tree, you can channel your heal spell through the tree and ‘touch’ her from afar.

Keeps an elaborate and well-maintained garden.
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