Boots, Sandals, Slippers, Shoes
Boots of Elvenkind
You gain a +4 bonus to skill checks to walk quietly.
Boots of Ferocious Charge
Whenever ou move to engage a foe first and then make a melee attack against it during the same turn, you deal +1d6 damage, hit or miss ([C]: +2d8; [E]: +4d10).
Boots of Ferocious Charge
Whenever you move to engage a foe first and then make a melee Attack against it during the same turn, you deal +1d6 damage, hit or miss (champion +2d8, epic +4d10).
Boots of Sure Feet
You can walk or run normally through terrain that would usually slow one down, such as rubble, undergrowth, muck, etc. The boots don't protect you against damage or similar effects incurred from inhospitable terrain.
Boots of the Hero's Footsteps
These travel-worn boots have been all over the Empire, and they remember every step. Sometimes, you're beset by intense déjà vu, as memories from the boots leak into your mind. This only happens in places where the boots have been before, so it won't happen outside the Empire, at sea, in the Overworld, or in much of the Underworld. When it goes, you either get a +4 bonus to a Wisdom skill check related to navigation or finding paths, or a +4 bonus to a Dexterity check to avoid unexpected hazards that the boots have encountered before (so, a specific pit trap wouldn't trigger the boots, but the infamous sucking sands of the Kneedeep would be remembered by the boots.)
Boots of the Winterlands
These furred boots are snug and feel quite warm. While you wear them, you gain the following benefits:
- You have resistance to cold damage.
- You ignore difficult terrain created by ice or snow. You can tolerate temperatures as low as −50 degrees Fahrenheit without any additional protection. If you wear heavy clothes, you can tolerate temperatures as low as −100 degrees Fahrenheit.
Clawed Boots
Move action
The lion-fur that lines these boots conceals magical bone claws that sprout from their ankles. You may leap upon a foe of equal or greater size while wearing these boots; when you do so, the claws dig in and keep you attached to that enemy. The enemy has a -2 penalty to attempts to disengage or pop you free, and if the enemy does disengage by any means, your boots inflict 1d10 damage on it automatically