Cloak, Mantle, Cape
Animal-Shape Cloak
There are several different types of cloak, each of which allows you to take on the shape of a particular animal. The same rules apply to all of them.
• Changing shape into an animal is a standard action. Changing back by taking off the cloak is a quick action.
• You automatically change back if you’re knocked unconscious, fall asleep, or suffer a critical hit.
• Some cloaks allow you to fight in animal form, but you use the stats for a ranger’s animal companion of two levels lower than your actual level (minimum 0), and you don’t add the escalation die to your attacks. On the bright side, you get to use your own hit points.
• You can’t cast spells, use items or speak while in animal form. You can communicate through gestures and adorable animal interpretive dances.
The cloak resembles the sort of animal you can turn into – so, a bearskin cloak might let you become a bear, a wolfskin cloak lets you turn into a wolf. A shimmery, filmy, scaly cape lets you become a salmon. Classic animal shapes include: bear, wolf, bat, cat, squirrel, seal, fish or bird.
Cape of Flight
A large, billowing cape that appears to always be caught in some breeze, even on a calm day.
Cloak of Anonymity
While wearing this cloak, you blend in with crowds. People ignore you, and overlook anything else that's strange about you. You could be a ten-foot-tall fanged demon who constantly weeps poison, and no-one would look twice when you walked past them in the marketplace. The cloak's magic can't hide you if you do something out of the ordinary.
If someone is specifically looking for you, you get a +4 bonus to checks to hide in the crowds.
Cloak of Raven Feathers
Cast Feather-Fall as an immediate reaction to falling OR fly for a turn, landing at the start of your next turn.
Cloak of Recovery
Cloak of Shelter
One nearby ally may use one of your Defenses (AC, MD or PD) when targeted by an enemy attack. The choice to substitute your Defense for theirs must be made before the attack; however, if the attack hits, the cloak’s power is not expended.
Mantle of Ice
When an attack that deals cold damage targets your PD and misses, gain temporary hit points equal to the damage you would have taken if the attack had hit.
Scout's Cloak
Gives +2 to attempts to hide in darkened areas, or at night. You may share this bonus with up to two other nearby allies.
Two Worlds Cloak
When you teleport, you may bring one extra passenger along with you, wrapped in the voluminous folds of this purple silk cloak.