Glove, Gauntlet, Mitt
Archer's Gauntlets
When you miss with a ranged weapon attack, reroll it using +10 as your attack bonus (champion: +15; epic: +20).
Defense Bracer
Silver ornate bracers
Gauntlets of Maiming
These nasty, spiked gauntlets are invariably caked with blood and gore, no matter how much you scrub them. When you inflict a critical hit that does not kill your opponent, you may describe how your attack is especially painful, and may involve chopping off limbs or skewering organs. The GM might even let this hamper or daze your enemy, or give a penalty to a particular special attack (“how’s that manticore going to make a tail spikes attack now that I’ve cut off his tail!*”)
Gauntlets of the Titan
These heavy gauntlets carry in them the spirit of the mightiest giants. Their power is sluggish and slow to wake, so they are of no benefit in combat, but they give a +6 bonus to Strength checks outside of combat.
Gloves of Mind Rot
When you hit one or more foes with an arcane spell attack, deal +1d10 psychic damage to one target of the attack (champion: +2d10; epic: +5d10).
Gloves of the Dextrous Duelist
While duel-wielding in melee, on a natural 16+ on your first melee attack for the turn, you may immediately make a melee attack with the weapon in your other hand using +10 as your attack bonus.
Gloves of the Healing Touch
Standard action:When you cast a healing spell, you may touch an additional target. That target also gets the benefit of the healing effect.
Spiked Gauntlets of Ambidexterity
When you roll a natural 16+ with your first melee attack during your turn while wielding a weapon in your off-hand, make a melee attack with the weapon in your off-hand as a free action, using +10 as your attack bonus (champion +15; epic: +20).
Due to the spikes, the gauntlets count as a +1 dagger in each hand.