Necklace, Pendant
Bearclaw Necklace
When you hit with a melee attack while you're staggered, gain 10 temporary hit points (champion: 25 temporary hp; epic: 50 temporary hp)
Dragon Tooth
- Speak all draconic dialects
- +3 bonus to persuasion when influencing dragons
- +3 bonus to attack and damage when targeting the MD of any draconic creature
Dragon-Stone Amulet
Talismans such as this are given to the elven warriors who guard the prison of the Green. With this pendant, you may count your positive relationship dice with the Elf Queen as conflicted relationship dice with the Three.
Dragontooth Necklace
Allows wielder to speak all draconic dialects
+3 bonus to skill checks of influencing dragons
+3 bonus to attack and damage to all draconic enemies. (Dragons, Lizardmen, Kobolds, Serpents) the ability also stacks with similar items.
Elf-Stone Pendant
Can take elf-only feats and magic items, you share the spiritual connection to the Elf Queen, and you may attend the Court of the Stars as an elf.; activate the elf-stone to count 4s as 5s when rolling your relationship dice with the Elf Queen; automatically recharges when you take a quick rest
Feather Fall amulet
Fall 60' and land without injury
Leadfeather Pendant
When you would take falling damage roll a d20: on a 6+ you take half damage on a 16+ you take no damage and land lightly on your feet.
The stones in the necklace breathe, ever so slightly. You gain a +5 bonus to death saves, if failure would kill you. You also gain a +5 bonus to last gasp saves.
Periapt of Faith
If you have no daily spells and no domain invocations remaining at the start of a battle, you may use this item to immediately regain
one daily spell. Champion: You can instead choose to regain one domain invocation.
Spirit Fetish
Necklace (+1 to saves when you have 10 hp or fewer):
Spirit Fetish: This leather bag binds and constrains a spirit of some sort. Choose the type of spirit when you gain the item. The spirit tugs on your soul, giving you a +1 bonus to saves in certain situations.
For example, a spirit of fire gives you a +1 bonus to saves against cold-based attacks. A spirit of battle might help you make saves against effects that stop you fighting and killing, but wouldn’t care about confusion as long as you’re still hitting people.