Wonderous Item
Armor of Iron Will
The default AC bonus applies to Mental Defense as well.
attack rune +1
+1 melee or ranged
Attune Weapon (Spell)
Effect: Until your next full heal-up, you attune the weapon to follow your hand movements, almost like a dancing partner. It gains an attack bonus like an adventurer-tier true magic weapon (+1 to attack and damage).
When you cast the spell, roll on your random energy table to determine the type of damage the weapon does. The weapon also gains an enchantment effect based on your bloodline.
Arcane (or not listed): The weapon can fly to make a ranged attack and return to your hand.
Celestial: The weapon deals holy damage and ignores damage resistance of undead enemies.
Draconic: Each time you cast a daily breath weapon spell this battle, the weapon gains extra damage on a hit equal to the spell level.
Fey: When you land a natural even hit with this weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to your next spell attack against the target.
Infernal: Your first hit with the weapon in a battle deals an additional 1d6 fire damage per spell level. If you roll a natural 1 with a melee attack, you take 1d4 fire damage per spell level.
Umbral: Your first hit with the weapon in a battle deals an additional 1d4 poison damage per spell level.
Wild Magic: On your first miss in a battle, deal 1d4 force damage per spell level to a random nearby enemy.
5th level spell: Enchant the weapon as a champion tier item (+2).
9th level spell: Enchant the weapon as an epic-tier item (+3).
Adventurer Feat: If the attuned weapon is already a true magic item of the highest tier you can enchant, increase the bonus by +1.
Backpack - Concealing
Operates as a medium bag of holding, but when anyone but the owner looks into it, it looks like an empty bag. Cannot be used to store animate (living) images.
barkskin jerky
By chewing this, you gain its bonus for one encounter.
Free Action to use
Belt of Illusions
This belt works like the wizard spell disguise self, altering your appearance by cloaking you in a magical disguise. Unlike the spell, though, you can disguise yourself as a specific person without penalty. There’s a trick to it, though – there’s a leather pouch attached to the belt, and the illusion’s based on whatever you put into the pouch. The more personal the item, the better.
Say you want to appear to be an orc warrior so you can sneak into an orc-infested dungeon without raising the alarm. If you pickpocket an orc guard and stick whatever orcs keep in their pockets into the pouch (gobbets of raw meat, probably, and fangs, and stones that look like they might be good for smashing
skulls), then the belt obligingly disguises you as a generic orc warrior. However, if you could steal the tribe shaman’s holy symbol, then the belt might disguise you as the shaman herself. The illusion lasts for ten minutes, and whatever item you place in the pouch is consumed when the duration expires.
Chalice of Three Metals
Spend a recovery to take an extra standard action this turn.
climbing potion
+3 to climbing rolls
Demon Slayer Bow
This weapon can be used as a bow, or magically split in two to be used as two swords. It has different behaviors depending on the form it is in.
In either mode, the weapon is a +2 weapon.
When you attack using this weapon in bow form and miss, you may instead treat the miss as a hit. Recharge: (Kill a demon)
When you attack using this weapon in sword form, add 2x the escalation dice to damage you deal to demons. Additionally, Killing a demon heals you for one maximized recovery dice (8 if your recovery die is a d8, for example).
This small sphere of thick glass weighs 1 pound. If you are within 60 feet of it, you can speak its command word and cause it to emanate the light or daylight spell. Once used, the daylight effect can't be used again until the next dawn.
You can speak another command word as an action to make the illuminated globe rise into the air and float no more than 5 feet off the ground. The globe hovers in this way until you or another creature grasps it. If you move more than 60 feet from the hovering globe, it follows you until it is within 60 feet of you. It takes the shortest route to do so. If prevented from moving, the globe sinks gently to the ground and becomes inactive, and its light winks out.
Dwarven Mug
One in four mugs of ale you drink from this mug will be magically transformed into the very finest nonmagical dwarven ale. If your relationship with the mug is good, the variety might even suit your current mood and the odds of getting a good brew might improve in your favor. But really, who’s going to complain about putting down a second, or even third, mug for the chance to get a taste of the best stuff? When that excellent ale does show up, you can share a sip or two with a friend, but other attempts to capitalize on this mug’s magic will just shut it down until it can find a more suitable owner.
Evil Eye
Once per battle, you can target a nearby or engaged enemy with a chilling gaze of doomful portent. The target must make a normal save (11+) or take psychic damage equal to double your level and be stricken with fear for a number of rounds equal to the current escalation die.
Champion Feat: The psychic damage increases to triple your level, the save difficulty increases to hard (16+), and you can target a far-away enemy with this power.
Fey-touched (Talent)
Your past is connected to the fey – maybe it was a satyr who taught you how to play the flute, or maybe you’re a changeling kid that was raised by the fey.
You gain a one-point icon relationship with the Wild. This represents your strong connection to the fey realm and its inhabitants over civilized elven society in the mortal realm. Elves notice this connection and treat you with added respect.
Starting from 3rd level, choose either sorcerer spells with the Fey keyword, or druid spells from the Circle of the Feysong. You can switch out a bard spell for a spell of the chosen type at a -2 level penalty.
Adventurer Feat: You can switch out one bard spell without the level penalty. This allows you to switch out a spell before 3rd level.
Champion Feat: When you disengage from an enemy or teleport away from it, you deal psychic damage equal to twice your level to it.
Epic Feat: You can switch out a second spell at no level penalty. In addition, you can now take spells of both types.
Fire Goblet
When you make an attack, you can spend a recovery to add fire damage equal to 10 times your level to the attack, hit or miss (if the attack targets more than one creature, divide the extra damage among the targets.)
Flurry (Monk Talent)
Flurry (Seven Deadly Secrets) If you use Flurry in a battle, you can’t use any other Deadly Secrets talents that battle. You gain the following attack:
Adventurer Feat You can now use Flurry when the escalation die is 2+.
Champion Feat Your Flurry attack now deals damage equal to your level on a miss.
Epic Feat When the escalation die is 4+, your Flurry attack deals PUNCH + Strength damage instead of JAB + Strength.
Ki Power (A Thousand Palms): You must be engaged with 2 or more enemies to use this power. After making a Flurry attack, you can spend 1 point of ki to make another Flurry attack against a target you have not already attacked with Flurry this turn.
Gem of Darkness
A pitch-black gem which seems to almost bend light towards it and absorb it.
I never thought I wo
I never thought I would find such an everyday topic so entihallrng!
Meteoric lantern
Non-magical. Uses a piece of meteorite to cast light on command up to 30'. Needs 1 hour recharging in sunlight for every hour used
Naheulbeuk the Talking Skull
You gain the background "Back in the 10th Age..." at +3 courtesy of the skull imparting (heavily-accented) advice from a bygone era.
Overworld Scale
It’s an overworld scale that gives +2 MD, and (recharge 16+) when touched to the user’s skin as a free action, gives a brief burst of rejuvenating energy that ensures that the user heals the maximum hit points when they next heal using a recovery.
Potion of Healing
Recovery + 1d8, max 30
Standard action to use oneself or on an unconscious recipient.
Quick Rally Rune
When used, lets you take a recovery as a Quick action instead of Standard
ranged weapon rune +2
+2 on ranged attacks
Ray of Hope
Amulet - Artifact - Good alignment only
All Tiers
- Golden Down. One use forever. Can Not be recharged
In the event of a full party death. The amulet reacts to the groups demise and sends a wave of energy reviving the entire party to full health. This effect CANNOT be recharged. ONE USE ONLY.
Adventurer Tier 1-4
- Immune to Dazed / Weakened
- Dragon soul: Grant temporary HP increase to highest level Dragonkin NPC. (Mooks do not count) (Dragonkin are classified as: Lizardmen, kobolds, Drakes, Dragons)
Champion Tier 5-7
- Second Wind: (once per SESSION. recharge next session) allow user to avoid being KO status and use a recovery (but cut the total of health healed in HALF)
- Full of life: Free action interrupt, one time per day. When a nearby PC, NPC, enemy or yourself take any HOLY damage, gain a free heal without having to use a recovery.
Epic Tier 8-10
- Wake up: Once per session INTERRUPT ACTION revive a KO'd ally who is in knocked out status only before death. Ally will revive at staggered health.
- Summon the Great Gold Wyrm
Triggered Roll 18+ Free Action
Once per session ONLY. In Combat when the player rolls a natural 18+ the player can summon the great gold wyrm for a FREE action AOE attack (LVd10 to all enemies on the field)
Or FREE action single target (LVd20 to a single target)
This ability must be used outdoors or in a fort that has open aired ceiling. The great gold wyrm has trouble navigating tight spaces while in its true form.
Not forced to switch icons to equip this amulet. But the user CAN switch to Gold Wyrm if he/she so chooses.
Rope of Climbing
This 60-foot length of silk rope weighs 3 pounds and can hold up to 3,000 pounds. If you hold one end of the rope and use an action to speak the command word, the rope animates. As a bonus action, you can command the other end to move toward a destination you choose. That end moves 10 feet on your turn when you first command it and 10 feet on each of your turns until reaching its destination, up to its maximum length away, or until you tell it to stop. You can also tell the rope to fasten itself securely to an object or to unfasten itself, to knot or unknot itself, or to coil itself for carrying.
If you tell the rope to knot, large knots appear at 1- foot intervals along the rope. While knotted, the rope shortens to a 50-foot length and grants advantage on checks made to climb it.
The rope has AC 20 and 20 hit points. It regains 1 hit point every 5 minutes as long as it has at least 1 hit point. If the rope drops to 0 hit points, it is destroyed
Rune, +1
Random Rune Effect on Armor
01–20 The bonus also applies to PD
21–40 The bonus also applies to MD
41–60 The bonus also applies to both PD and MD
61–80 As 41–60, and you can reroll one failed save while the rune is active
81–100 You can take your first rally this battle with a quick action (if you can already rally with a quick action, the
action is free)
Random Rune Effect on Weapon
01–20 +4 bonus to opportunity attacks
21–40 Weapon gains an energy damage type such as fire, cold, etc., and deals +1d4 damage (champion: +2d6; epic: +5d6)
41–60 +4 attack bonus on first round of combat
61–80 Weapon deals +1d10 damage while escalation die is 3+
81–100 Reroll one missed attack roll with weapon
Random Rune Effect on Spellcasting Implement
01–20 +1 additional attack bonus if spell has only one target
21–40 Implement gains an energy damage type such as fire, negative energy, etc., and deals +1d4 damage
41–60 +1 additional attack bonus with daily spells
61–80 +1 additional attack bonus if spell has more than one target
81–100 Reroll one missed attack roll with implement
Sash of Subtle Arguments
Minute inscriptions of obscure philosophical debates cover both sides of this silken belt. You may ignore any one condition affecting you until the start of your next turn. You don’t suffer the penalties or ongoing damage from that condition, but you may not make a save against that condition if it allows a save.
Speed potion
+1 AC +1 PD +1 to all attacks