As a standard action this turn, the target can both move and make a basic attack.
If you spend an additional command point, the target can use a melee attack instead of a basic attack.
The target gains a bonus to the melee attack it makes from this command equal to your Charisma modifier.
This turn, if the target moves to attack an enemy you are also engaged with, that enemy is vulnerable to the attack.
Get out of There!
The target can use a quick action this turn to pop free from one enemy.
If you spend an additional command point, the target (or targets) can pop free from all enemies instead of only one enemy.
If you spend an additional command point, you can now target one additional nearby ally with this command.
When targets of this command are stuck, that condition ends on them.
Hit 'Em From Here!
This turn, the target ally can target one far away enemy with a power, spell, or attack that normally only targets or affects nearby enemies.
You now gain 1d4 command points when you hit with a melee attack during your turn instead of 1d3.
The target can now be a far away ally.
The target ally’s power, spell, or attack can now target multiple far away creatures (if it can target multiple creatures normally).
Hit Harder
The target can reroll any of the damage dice. They must accept the rerolled result.
The target gains a bonus to the damage roll equal to your Charisma modifier (double your Charisma modifier at 5th level; triple it at 8th level).
You can spend an additional command point (1 max) to add another damage die of the same type to the damage roll when you reroll damage dice. (You only roll the extra damage die once.)
You can also use this command as a free action (instead of as an interrupt action) when an ally hits with an opportunity attack.
Natural Command
Count a natural odd roll the target rolls as natural even, or count a natural even roll the target rolls as natural odd (without actually changing the numerical result).
This command costs 1 command point instead of 2 while the escalation die is 3+.
Rally Now
If you spend an additional command point on this command, you can target an unconscious ally with it.
The target can rally as a free action this turn. (If it’s their second or a subsequent rally, they still need to succeed on the save.)
The target also adds hit points equal to your Charisma modifier to the recovery. (Double your Charisma modifier at 5th level; triple it at 8th level.)
When the target has to roll a save to rally, you can grant them a +2 bonus to the roll as a free action after seeing it for each additional command point you spend on the command.
The target of this command also gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of its next turn.
Save Now!
The target can roll a save against a save ends effect.
For each additional 2 command points you spend when you make the command (before the save roll), the target can roll another d20 for the save, choosing the best result.
If the save fails, you gain 1 command point.
Whether or not the save succeeds, the target of your command heals hit points equal to 3d10 + triple your Charisma modifier.
Strike Here!
The target can take an extra standard action this turn.
You now gain 1d4 command points when you hit with a melee attack during your turn instead of 1d3.
This command costs 3 command points instead of 4.
If the extra standard action is an attack, the crit range of that attack expands by an amount equal to the escalation die.
Try Again
The target can reroll the attack but must use the new result.
If the escalation die is 3+, the target gains a bonus to the reroll equal to your Charisma modifier.
If the rerolled attack scores a critical hit, you gain 1 command point.
You can use this command before an ally makes an attack roll for 3 command points (instead of 2) for an entirely different effect: The target can make an additional basic attack this turn as a free action if the attack hits.
We've Got Your Back!
Roll a d20. On a 11+, the target ignores the effects of one of those conditions (confused, dazed, weakened) this turn. On a 16+, the condition ends instead.
You now gain 1d4 command points when you hit with a melee attack during your turn instead of 1d3.
After the first time in a round you use this command as an interrupt action, you can use it as a free action until the start of your next turn if you have the command points for the cost. You can still only use the command once per ally’s turn.
Add hampered and stunned to the list of conditions the effect includes.
You Are a Precious Snowflake!
Roll a d20. On a 11+, the target doesn’t expend the use of its racial power and can use it again later this battle.
You Know What to Do!
The target can take an extra standard action this turn.
This command costs 3 command points instead of 4.
The target also gains temporary hit points equal to 3d10 + triple your Charisma modifier.
You Set Them Up, I Finish
Add your Charisma modifier to the damage dealt by your ally (double your Charisma modifier at 5th level; triple it at 8th level). In addition, during your next turn, you gain a +2 attack bonus with melee attacks against the enemy that your ally hit.
The target ally also gains the damage bonus with any other attacks it makes against the same enemy this turn.
The command now costs 3 command points to use.
Your attacks that benefit from the +2 attack bonus against that enemy also add triple your Charisma modifier to your damage on a hit.
You'll Die When I Tell You to Die!
The target gains a +2 bonus to the death save for each command point spent on this command.
If the target succeeds on its death save, it can take its turn normally as if it rolled a natural 20.