Acid Arrow
You can cast this spell for power or for broad effect.
One nearby ally gains a +2 attack bonus until the end of the battle.
Choose up to three nearby creatures (including you); each target gains a +1 attack bonus until the end of the battle.
For the rest of the battle (or for five minutes), the target gains resist damage 16+. Enemies who can see invisible creatures ignore this resistance.
Whenever the target uses a move action, there is a 50% chance that it can teleport somewhere nearby instead of physically moving.
For the rest of the battle (or for five minutes), attacks against the target miss 20% of the time.
Breath of the Black
Double the spell's ongoing damage on a miss.
For the rest of the battle, roll a d20 at the start of each of your turns; on a 16+, you can use breath of the black that turn if you wish.
Breath of the Blue
You can now target a far away enemy with the spell (no attack penalty).
For the rest of the battle, roll a d20 at the start of each of your turns; on a 16+, you can use breath of the blue this turn if you wish.
Breath of the Void
For the rest of the battle, roll a d20 at the start of each of your turns; on a 16+, you can use breath of the void this turn if you wish.
Breath of the White
For the rest of the battle, roll a d20 at the start of each of your turns. On a 16+, you can use breath of the white dragon that turn if you wish.
Calling the Blood
Randomly select an icon (preferably a sorcerous one). You gain some surprising or bizarre magical effect associated with the power of that icon to assist you. The effect is entirely up to the GM, though the immediate impact of the spell should always be favorable for you. The long-term consequences of randomly invoking the power of an icon that may be an enemy might not be favorable for you, and should be played for narrative interest by the GM, particularly if the impact of the spell was huge for you. Since this is a daily spell, sizeable impact is fine, but don't award any extra effect for empowered casting, especially since the spell can be cast effectively out of combat.
Randomly choose twice, then choose the single result you prefer.
Cause Fear
Charm Person
This spell cannot be cast during combat or on a target that has rolled initiative to fight.
On a miss, the spell is not detectible by most others unless you miss by 4+ or roll a natural 1, in which case the target and its allies knows what you tried to do and will usually be angry about it.
Charm Person
This spell cannot be cast during combat or on a target that has rolled initiative to fight.
Circle of Protection
Choose a defense: AC, PD, or MD. For the rest of the battle while you are conscious, you and each ally near you gains a +1 bonus to that defense. Each enemy that misses you or one of your nearby allies with an attack against the defense you chose is hampered until the end of its next turn.
The spell is now (recharge 16+) after battle instead of daily.
On a miss against all targets with this spell, you can choose to daze those targets (save ends). If you do, you do not regain the spell.
Each failed save against the spell deals 6d10 psychic damage to the target.
The save against confused is now a difficult save (16+).
Crisis of Faith
For the rest of this battle, all enemies near you with 100 hp or fewer take a penalty to their Mental Defense equal to your Charisma modifier. Whenever one of those enemies misses with an attack roll, it takes holy damage equal to double your level.
Cure Wounds
You or a nearby ally can heal using a free recovery.
When you roll a natural even miss with the spell, the target is also hampered until the end of your next turn.
Increase the number of targets to 1d4 + 1.
Dimension Door
You teleport somewhere nearby that you can see.
Disguise Self (1st Level Utility)
This spell provides you with an effective magical disguise that lasts about ten minutes, making the skill check to avoid unmasking one step easier: easy if it would have been a normal task, normal if it would have been a hard task, and hard if it would have been a ridiculously hard task. The spell only affects your general appearance, not your size. It can be used to hide your features behind the generic features of another person or race. Using it to impersonate a specific creature makes it less effective as a disguise (-2 to -5 penalty).
You can now target a far away creature with the spell.
Divine Endurance
You can cast this spell for power or for broad effect.
One nearby ally gains 40 temporary hit points.
Choose up to three nearby creatures (including you); each target gains 20 temporary hit points.
Dragon's Leap
You can fly at the rate you normally move until the end of your turn. (So if you don't land or find someplace to hang from, you'll fall.)
For the rest of the battle, roll a d20 at the start of each of your turns; on a 16+, you can use dragon's leap this turn if you wish. (Yeah, we know it's not actually a breath weapon, but it works as part of the draconic sorcerer package.)
Feather Fall (1st Level Utility)
When you cast this spell, it arrests your fall, letting you glide down the ground over a round or two.
When you cast this spell, you can choose to cast it recklessly.
Casting the spell recklessly increases the number of additional targets to 1d4 instead of 1d3.
Increase the number of targets to 1d3 + 1 instead of 1d3.
The target can fly until the end of the battle (or for five minutes). Your speed doesn't increase appreciably but you can move in three-dimensions.
Force Salvo
The spell creates a number of force bolts equal to 1 + your Intelligence modifier. You must target a different creature with each bolt; any extras can't be used.
You can now target a specific creature with more than one bolt. Once you hit that target, you must target a different creature, and so on. (Roll your attack after each bolt before picking a target for the next bolt.)
On a miss, a bolt now deals miss damage equal to your level.
Increase the number of bolts by 1.
Hammer of Faith
Until the end of the battle, your basic melee attacks use d12s as their base weapon damage dice.
On the target's next turn (not this one, if you cast it on yourself), the target gains an additional standard action.
In addition, at the start of each of the target's turns this battle, if the escalation die is even, roll a d20 and add the escalation die; on a 16+, the target gains an additional standard action that turn.
Hold Monster
If the spell misses all targets, you regain the spell during your next quick rest.
The spell can target up to 2 nearby enemies whose total hit points don't exceed the limit.
Increase the limit by +50 hp.
Hold Portal (1st Level Utility)
You cast this spell on a door. For ten minutes, adventurer-tier creatures can't get through the door. Champion-tier creatures can batter it down; each attempt requires a DC 20 Intelligence skill check (including an applicable background) by the caster to resist the battering and keep the spell going. Epic-tier creatures can walk right through.
Inspire Legends
Escalation die must be 4+.
Each target can roll a d20 for each of its expended daily, recharge, and per battle powers and spells other than inspire legends. If the roll is 11+, the character regains the use of that power or spell.
Until the end of the battle (or for five minutes out of combat), the target becomes invisible until it attacks or uses some ridiculously flashy action.
High Arcana: The duration out of combat is 1 hour instead.
Invisibility Purge
The spell now deals half damage on a miss.
The spell is now recharge 16+ after battle instead of daily.
Levitate (3rd Level Utility)
Until the end of the battle, you can use a move action to rise straight up into the air or descend straight down. The spell itself won't move you horizontally. The up-or-down movement is about half as fast as your normal movement. While levitating, you take a –2 penalty to your attacks and are vulnerable to attacks against you.
Lightning Bolt
A natural even hit also deals 10 ongoing lightning damage.
A natural even hit now deals 20 ongoing lightning damage (hard save ends, 16+).
Message (3rd Level Utility)
You send a one to two sentence message to another person you know and have touched in the last week. Sending a message to a person you can see is always easy. Sending a message to a person you can't see requires a skill check using Intelligence against the highest-tier environment that you or the sender are occupying.
The maximum distance you can send a message depends on the spell's level.
Meteor Swarm
You summon a meteor swarm. If you're underground, you get the ur-dark stalactite equivalent! Nothing more happens this round, but roll 1d3 + 1 to determine how many meteors you have summoned.
At the start of your next turn, even if you are unconscious or dead or have left the area, the meteors arrive one per turn at the start of each of your turns and slam into the combat area.
Each meteor now deals 5d4 x 10 damage.
Mighty Healing
You can cast this spell for power or for broad effect.
One nearby ally can heal using a single recovery and regain double the usual number of hit points.
Choose up to three nearby creatures (including you); each target can heal using a recovery.
This spell is now a close-quarters spell.
Overworld Travel
You must cast this spell outdoors. It enables you and a group of nearby allies to travel to most any location in the world that you can name.
Travel takes between an hour and a day, depending on distance and the amount of effort the exerted.
The destination can be in the overworld or in the land. It can't be in the underworld.
Prayer for Readiness
You utter a powerful prayer upon your comrades, giving each a special blessing. At any point later this battle, each blessed ally can acknowledge the blessing by saying 'thank you' to your god, gods, or pantheon as a free action to reroll a d20 roll. That ally must take the reroll result.
Note that you are giving the blessing and don't receive it yourself.
This spell is now a quick action to cast.
Scrying (7th Level Utility)
You can use this spell to get information you shouldn't be able to get, peering in on other people's lives for a short period of time, usually no more than ten minutes at a time. Some areas may be warded at the GM's discretion. You must have touched the person you wish to spy on in the last month, or, at 9th level, within the last a year.
Scrying as a single standard action won't yield much. Concentrating on the spell for a while with props like a scrying pool or a crystal ball will work better.
Shield of Faith
You can cast this spell for power or for broad effect.
One nearby ally gains a +2 bonus to AC this battle.
Choose up to three nearby creatures (including you); each target gains a +1 bonus to AC this battle.
Silver Flame
Roll your relationship dice that you have with a sorcerous heroic icon.
For each 6 you roll, you gain one 7th level or lower spell from any spellcasting class that you can cast this battle. For each 5 you roll, you gain one 5th level or lower spell from any spellcasting class that you can cast this battle.
If the escalation die is 5+, you can swap the escalation die for one or your rolls. If you get no successes, you regain the spell after this battle.
You can acquire one of the new spells the same round you cast this spell. Then select and acquire any other gained spells at the start of your next turn.
You can use your Charisma as the ability score that provides the acquired spells' attack bonuses and damage bonuses (if any). Other ability score references remain unchanged.
As you might expect, each 5 you roll also invokes an icon-related complication or obligation in the tradition of rolling 5s on relationship checks.
Song of Aid
You or a nearby ally gains 3d6 temporary hit points.
One target that gained temporary hit points can also heal using a recovery.
Song of Blood & Legends
Each nearby ally who hits at least one enemy with an attack during their turn can heal using a recovery.
One nearby ally can make a basic attack as a free action and heal using a recovery if the attack hits at least one target.
Song of Destinies
Later this turn, you can add 1 to the natural result of one ally's d20 roll. Then, afterwards, you can subtract 1 from the natural result of an enemy's d20 roll.
The GM chooses an icon relevant to the situation; you choose the PC who will make an icon relationship check. That player makes the check and joins the GM in a duet of improvisation as to how the icon relationship roll has some impact on the current battle.
Song of Magic
Until the start of your next turn, you and your nearby allies who cast spells that are normally expended by being cast can roll a d20 after casting the spell. On a 16+, the spell is not expended.
All spells you and your allies cast before the start of your next turn gain a +2 attack bonus.
Song of Spilt Blood
Any attack against you takes a penalty equal to the number of your allies in the battle who have more hit points than you.
Final Verse: The effect ends immediately, and you or one ally of your choice can heal using a recovery.
Song of Thunder
Make the following attack against 1d4 + 1 nearby enemies.
Make the attack again, but this time it deals half damage on a miss.
The number of targets increases to 2d4.
Two of the targets can now be far away instead of nearby.
Song of Victory
Each nearby enemy that has fewer hit points than you is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Each nearby enemy takes 5d6 + Charisma psychic damage.
On a natural even hit, the dazed effect is now save ends.
The spell is now recharge 16+ after battle instead of daily.
You can now target 1d4 + 1 enemies in a group with the spell.
Speak with Item (3rd Level Utility)
Speak briefly, mind-to-mind, with a magic item you are touching that is owned by you or one of your allies. The item's owner gets a free power recharge roll if that item's power has been expended.
Sphere of Radiance
You or one nearby ally can heal using a free recovery. Then make the following attack.
Spiky Bastard
You go all-out to hurt anyone who tries to get a piece of you. For the rest of the battle, while you're conscious, using at least one bladed weapon, and are not staggered or stunned, you deal 10 damage to each enemy that makes a melee attack against you and rolls a natural odd attack roll. The damage hits the enemy before their attack damages you.
Spiky bastard damage now applies when you are staggered, though obviously not while you are unconscious.
If the escalation die is 3+, the damage increases to 15 instead of 10.
Stolen Faces
You steal the once-per-battle racial powers of your allies this battle, but you don't get the advantage of your allies' feats or items that improve those powers.
Each ally you steal a racial power from can roll an easy save (6+). Success means they get to use their power also this battle. Failure means they can't; you took it fully.
You can't steal racial powers you already possess.
Strength of the Gods
You can cast this spell for power or for broad effect.
One nearby ally deals +2d8 damage with melee attacks this battle.
Choose up to three nearby creatures (including you); each target deals +1d8 damage with melee attacks this battle.
You and up to 4 allies next to you can teleport to any location in the world, underworld, or overworld that you have previously visited.
When you teleport, roll a d20. If you roll a 1, you miss your desired location and arrive somewhere else altogether. Otherwise, you and your allies arrive at the desired location at the start of your next turn.
Any effects of spells or items cast before teleporting are dispelled and no longer function on arrival.
Your allies don't need to be next to you before you cast the spell, just nearby. Alternately, if they are all next to you when you cast the spell, you can teleport to a location known to one of your allies.
Teleport Shield
Always: For the rest of the battle, once per round when an enemy moves to engage you, you can make the following attack against it as a free action before it has the chance to attack in melee.
When your teleport shield attack misses, the spell's attack is not expended that round.
You can now teleport the enemy somewhere far away that you can see; other restrictions still apply.
The Elven Shadows
Once you cast this spell in a battle, you can cast it at-will for the rest of that battle.
Once per battle, the teleport from a hit with the elven shadows can be to a far away location you can see.
Touch of Evil
If you are fighting one or more demons, roll an easy save (6+) at the start of each of your turns. Failure means that you are confused that turn.
You gain a random demon-style power for the rest of the battle, similar to the abilities demons possess but not identical.
Roll a d8 to see which power you gain:
Roll (d8) | Power | Description |
1 | Resist energy 16+ | When an attack that deals energy damage targets you, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage. |
2 | Infernal battery | Until the end of the battle, you can use a quick action once each round to make recharge rolls for your expended recharge spells. Each time you do so, you take damage equal to half the natural result of your recharge roll. |
3 | Backlash | The first time you are staggered this battle, the enemy who staggered you becomes confused (save ends). |
4 | Spell frenzy | You enter a spell frenzy (see Infernal Heritage talent). If you were already in a spell frenzy, you now roll 3d20 for each attack and take damage equal to triple the target's level for each roll that misses. |
5 | Fear aura | Enemies engaged with you that have fewer hit points than double your current hit points are dazed. They cannot use the escalation die. |
6 | Teleport 1d3 + 1 times this battle | As a move action, you can teleport anywhere you can see nearby. |
7 | Demonic speed | You can take an extra standard action each turn that the escalation die is even. You lose 2d10 hit points each time you use the extra action. |
8 | Eye of the demon | Choose any two features you want. For the rest of this day, all your icon relationships disappear and are replaced by an identical number of conflicted points with a villainous icon (preferably one that is demonic). |
Transfer Enchantment
You or an ally you are next to must be suffering from a condition caused by an enemy for you to cast this spell.
Turn Undead
Hit: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Hit by 4+: 1d10 x your level holy damage, and the target is dazed until end of your next turn.
Hit by 8+: Against non-mooks, holy damage equal to half the target's maximum hit points, and the target is dazed (save ends). Against mooks, the +8 result now deals 4d10 x your level holy damage.
Hit by 12+ or Natural 20: Against non-mooks, the target is destroyed. Against mooks, the +12 result now deals 4d20 x your level holy damage
You can expend your daily use of turn undead to gain an additional use of heal in one battle.
You can choose to target either demons or undead with the spell (but not both with the same casting).
Increase the targeting limit by 100 hp.
Unearthly Glamour
You gain a +5 bonus to all Charisma skill checks for the next five minutes. If you fail a Charisma skill check during this time, however, anyone you were attempting to convince or influence with the check is freaked out or disgusted by the supernatural glamour attached to you and has extremely negative reactions to you.
Water Breathing (5th Level Utility)
You can breathe underwater for the rest of the battle (or about five minutes). You become aware a couple of rounds ahead of when the magic of the spell is about to end.
Wild Heal
Each target can heal using a recovery.
The spell is now recharge 16+ after battle instead of daily.
Add a third random target.
The recoveries the targets use are now free.