Alarm (standard duration)
The cantrip creates a minor watch-sprite that can be instructed to scream if someone comes through an area or touches an object. Watch-sprites are notoriously stupid and sleepy, but with the right talking-to they might stay focused for the duration of the spell. At higher levels, the spell might summon little fanged spirits buzzing back and forth serving as both visual and actual deterrents.
Assassin's Gambit
Once a turn, you can get the extra standard action when this attack drops a mook target.
1 Resolve
Counter-attack (you may use this when an enemy misses you with a melee attack)
You may make an immediate melee basic attack in retaliation; it deals no damage, but on a success the enemy is shoved back and forced to pop free, no longer engaging you. If you are wielding a shield, gain +1 on the attack roll.
When you use Bash, you do not need to target the enemy who triggered the counter-attack.
You deal half-damage on a hit, rather than no damage.
Once per day, your Bash also stuns the enemy for 1 round on a hit.
Battle Chant
When you use battle chant, you can choose any battle cry effect you know as if you were making a basic melee attack, with the battle chant attack roll taking the place of the basic melee attack roll.
Your battle chant damage dice are now d6s instead of d4s.
Once per day, you can expend one of your recoveries to reroll a battle chant attack roll.
One battle per day, your battle chant damage dice become d10s.
Bleeding Strike
The ongoing damage against large or huge targets increases to 1d6 times your level.
A natural even miss also deals ongoing damage equal to your level.
You can now use bleeding strike against enemies taking ongoing damage.
Breath of the Green
For the rest of the battle, roll a d20 at the start of each of your turns; on a 16+, you can use breath of the green that turn if you wish.
Burning Hands
When you miss with burning hands, you deal fire damage to the target equal to each damage die that rolled its maximum possible result.
When you roll a natural 18+ with a burning hands attack roll, you can choose another nearby target for the spell. The new target doesn't have to be part of the original group.
You can now target each enemy engaged with you with your burning hands spell in addition to any other targets.
Chaos Bolt
The first time you use chaos bolt each battle, determine a random energy type. The spell deals that type of damage each time you use it that battle.
You don't take the –2 penalty for attacking a far away enemy with the spell.
If you are a champion-tier sorcerer, roll any chaotic benefit gained with this spell on the epic chaotic benefits table. If you are an epic-tier sorcerer, choose the epic chaotic benefit you want instead of rolling.
Combat Boon
Make a basic melee attack. If the attack hits, you or one conscious nearby ally can roll a save against a save ends effect.
If you score a critical hit with the combat boon attack, the subsequent save automatically succeeds.
One nearby conscious ally can roll a save even if your attack misses.
You can choose more than one target for this spell, but you take a –2 penalty when attacking two targets, a –3 penalty for three targets, and so on.
Deadly Thrust
Add your Strength modifier to the miss damage.
You can now target mooks with deadly thrust.
If you don't add your Sneak Attack damage to the attack, you also deal damage equal to five times your Strength modifier to your deadly thrust target when you hit.
Death's Twin
You can make two basic attacks at any point during your turn, each against a different target. You only regain momentum if your second attack hits.
If your attack against your first death's twin target is a natural 18+, you can make your second basic attack against that same target.
The attack hits a different enemy you are engaged with instead, but deals only half damage.
The power also triggers on a ranged attack against AC.
The deflected attack now deals full damage instead of half damage.
Using deflection no longer spends your momentum.
Double Melee Attack
When fighting with two one-handed melee weapons, your default option is to make a double melee attack.
Your weapon damage die drops one notch, usually from d8s to d6s. If your first attack is a natural even roll (hit or miss), you can make a second attack as a free action.
If you decide you don't want to try for a double melee attack while fighting with two one-handed weapons, declare it before rolling your attack; the single attack will deal the normal damage dice instead of using reduced damage dice.
Your second attack gains a +2 attack bonus if it is against a different target.
Once per battle, use Double Melee Attack after an odd attack roll.
Each turn, you can pop free of one enemy before one attack roll that is part of a Double Melee Attack. You can also use your move action in between your two attacks if you wish.
Double Ranged Attack
When you attack with a ranged weapon that does not need to be reloaded, your default option is to make a double ranged attack.
Your weapon damage die drops one notch, usually from d8s to d6s. If your first attack is a natural even roll (hit or miss), you can make a second attack as a free action.
If you decide you don't want to try for a double ranged attack when firing your bow or other ranged weapon, declare it before rolling your attack; the single attack will deal the normal damage dice instead of using reduced damage dice.
Your second attack gains a +2 attack bonus if it is against a different target.
Once per battle, you can use Double Ranged Attack after an odd attack roll.
Each turn, you can pop free of one enemy before one attack roll that is part of a Double Ranged Attack. You can also use your move action in between your two attacks if you wish.
Echoing Thunder
The spell's aftershock damage is now also doubled when echoing thunder is empowered.
Evasive Strike
If you drop the target with your evasive strike attack, you can pop free from all enemies instead.
If you hit with evasive strike and the natural attack roll was even, you gain a +2 bonus to AC and PD against the next attack that targets you this battle (no joy if it's an attack vs. MD).
Ok. Thanks to your slippery mind, the champion feat benefit also provides a +2 bonus to MD.
Flying Blade
You must use a small bladed weapon with this attack.
If you score a critical hit with flying blade, the target is also dazed (–4 attack) until the end of your next turn.
As long as one of your allies is engaged with the target, your flying blade attack rolls no longer need to be even to add your Sneak Attack damage.
You can use flying blade with any ranged weapon.
Ghost Sound
This spell creates false noises emanating from somewhere nearby. The effect is like an exceptionally good version of throwing your voice, if your voice could create a wide variety of sounds. Attempted distractions with the cantrip are DC 15 challenges in adventurer environments, higher as you move into champion and epic environments. If someone is using ghost sound against the PCs, a Wisdom-based skill check can identify the sound as a magical fake.
Harmless Misdirection
You can pop free from the target, and the target can't attack you during its next turn as long as your ally remains engaged with it.
Javelin of Faith
The spell also deals +1d6 damage against an undamaged target. At 5th level that increases to +2d6 damage; at 8th level it increases to +4d6 damage.
You can now target a far away enemy with the spell at a –2 attack penalty.
If your natural attack roll is an 18+, make the attack a second time against a different target as a free action.
This cantrip summons a magical servitor three to four times as big as your closed fist that swarms around the door and attempts to punch or push it open (depending on whether you want to be quiet or announce your presence). Success is determined with an Intelligence check against the environment's DC using an appropriate magical background. This cantrip does nothing to avoid any traps that might exist.
Magic Missile
2d4 force damage.
You can choose two targets; roll half the damage dice for one missile and half the damage dice for the other, then assign one set of damage dice to each of the two targets.
Roll a d20 when you use the spell; if you roll a natural 20, the magic missile crits and deals double damage. (Rolling a 1 is not a fumble; this roll checks only to see if you can crit.)
The 7th and 9th level versions of the spell now use d8s as damage dice.
This cantrip summons a variety of tiny (hand-sized and smaller) magical sprites who swarm over a chosen broken object attempting to mend it (over the course of 1–6 rounds). Small-scale repairs like torn wineskins, muddy clothing, a broken handgrip on a sword, and similar repairs that anyone could fix with two to four hours of devoted work gets handled in seconds. More elaborate repairs to complicated objects might require an Intelligence check, or at the GM's discretion could only be possible if the wizard has taken the Cantrip Mastery talent.
When you are engaged with one or more enemies, you can target the enemy with the highest MD you are engaged with instead of the nearest enemy.
When you attack with this tactic and roll a natural even hit, you gain 2 command points instead of 1.
Once per battle as a free action when you hit with this tactic, the target also takes 1d10 psychic damage for each point on the escalation die.
Ray of Frost
When your ray of frost attack roll is a natural even hit, if the target is staggered after taking the damage, it is also dazed until the end of your next turn.
The target of the spell can also be far away.
When you cast the spell you can change the damage type to lightning or negative energy.
Roll With It
You take half damage from that attack.
The power also triggers on an attack against PD.
The power also triggers on a ranged attack.
Once per day, you can use roll with it to take damage equal to the attacker's level instead of half damage.
Scorching Ray
You can now use the spell against a far away target, but with a –2 attack penalty.
Each time you cast the spell, you can have the attack deal random energy damage instead of fire damage. Replace the fire entry on the random energy table with your choice of negative energy or acid.
You don't take the –2 penalty for attacking a far away enemy with the spell.
Shadow Walk
As a move action before you have used your standard action this turn, if you are not engaged, you can make the following 'attack' against all nearby enemies, targeting the enemy among them with the highest Mental Defense.
On a miss, you can still use your move action normally (but still can't shadow walk this turn).
Twice per day, you can reroll the rogue attack that follows your successful use of shadow walk.
Twice per day, you can reappear from your shadow walk in a nearby location you wouldn't have been able to reach unimpeded physically, for instance, on the other side of a portcullis or door, or high up a wall.
Shocking Grasp
The spell now requires only a quick action to cast (once per round).
Once per battle, when you hit the target of the spell, you can also daze it until the end of your next turn.
The damage dice of the spell increase to d8s.
Slick Feint
First Target: One enemy engaged with you
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Hit: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn, and you can make an improved attack against a second target.
Miss (First Target): Your attack action is over; the feint was a screw-up.
Second Target: A different enemy from the first target that is engaged with you
Attack: Dexterity + Level +2 vs. AC
Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage.
Miss (Second Target): Damage equal to your level.
This is a minor fire creation spell, enough to light a pipe, or a campfire, or even a page or two of an unprotected spellbook. It doesn't work against living beings or against things that couldn't easily be set on fire with a few seconds of steady application of a candle. The target of the spark has to be nearby and in sight.
Sure Cut
You must have momentum and be able to deal your Sneak Attack damage to the target if you hit.
Missing with sure cut no longer counts as a use of Sneak Attack for the round.
Swift Dodge
The attacker must reroll the attack.
The power also triggers on an attack against PD.
The attack reroll takes a –2 penalty.
Swift Riposte
You can't gain momentum from hitting with swift riposte.
You can make a basic attack against your attacker. If your natural attack roll equals or beats your attacker's roll, resolve your basic attack against that enemy first. If your attack roll is lower, your attack has no effect, regardless of whether it hits or misses.
If your swift riposte attack is a critical hit, the enemy's attack misses.
You gain a +2 attack bonus with swift riposte attacks.
Thief's Strike
This is a bonus 3rd-level power for rogues with the Thievery talent. Other rogues can choose it if they like.
True Targeting
The attacker's invisibility isn't going to work on you. It might work against your allies, but you see through it and can tell where the creature is well enough to target it normally or be aware of its imminent attack.
If the enemy's attack misses, you regain momentum.
Tumbling Strike
Always: You gain a +5 bonus to all disengage checks you attempt this turn. You can also move to engage an enemy, make this attack against it, and then use a quick action to attempt to disengage from it (the quick action disengage lets you move again if you succeed).